Some sh*t went down on our side of the volleyball court on Sunday.

It turns out that sixteen-year-old girls can get emotional when they’re losing.

This spilled over, and a few moms had words after the game.

Fast forward to today (Thursday), and apology texts were going around between the moms.

This reminded me that we’re not thinking rationally when we are emotional.

And the likelihood of doing or saying something regrettable increases if we’re not thinking rationally.

If you’re about to make an investment decision, it’s important to stop and question whether you’re thinking rationally and without emotion.

Robert Plutchik says there are eight primary emotions: anger, fear, sadness, disgust, surprise, anticipation, trust, and joy.

If you’re feeling any of these and are about to say or do something, it’s best to take a minute and try calming your emotions.

Looking to separate fact from opinion is a great start to backtracking to the path of rationality because facts are solid and opinions can be wrong, right?

Unless it’s a life-or-death snap decision, you can probably wait an hour, a day, or a week before making a move.

Warren Buffett has said it’s OK to have emotions in life but never in business.

And, when dealing with people, you can always tell them to go to hell tomorrow.

Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for the Sunday portfolio update edition.

~Russ Knopf